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A Beautiful Custom Design Evening Gown:Hubby Knows Best
For Valentine’s day I would like to share with you a story that till this day, makes me smile. It’s one thing to receive a V-day inquire from a lady who has a special night out planned with her hubby, but it’s a whole other ball game when the call is from the husband asking to make a gown for his beautiful wife..

Anyone who knows me , is well aware how much of a sucker I am for fun romantic surprises, I couldn’t stop smiling in between my awwww and this is so cute and the back and forth texting asking Temi for information on the dress he’d like for his wife I couldn’t help but wonder how was I so lucky to be a part of such a beautiful surprise… ?
How Did He Do It: To This Day I have no idea!!!!!
Until this day I wonder how he was able to keep it a surprise and grab these measurements (perfectly) as well but Man did I enjoy this process… the only thing I know Temi needed help with was the color choice of course in the name of romance who wouldn’t suggest a red ?

I went for red a wine red, simply because I thought it would look stunning on Erica and with her blonde locks oufff wine red had to be the color choice number 1
One thing I might had we had forgotten about Erica had just given birth to her adorable son and was still in the process of losing her baby weight so Temi had given me the measurements of Erica prior to baby(but I still thought that what super adorable hence the reason I am smiling as I am typing this)

For a Custom Design Dress it’s All About the Look and the Feel and the Feel
What I enjoyed most about the process was the liberty I had to design something that Works and compliment Erica… the beauty of it all is when I had made this dress Erica had just given birth to her first (Erica wasn’t not done losing her baby weight yet) now fast forward to this year about 4 yr later and 2 beautiful children The dress still fits her (like a glove) and she looks hotter(if I say so myself then ever)

Last week I told Erica I wanted to share this experience with you dear reader ( and perhaps encourage you guys to surprise your beautiful wife and order a MeJeanne Couture Gown )
I was so happy to receive these picture from Erica you could tell she was having a whole lot of fun taking them and I am grateful that I am now able to tell this story to you.

Looking forward to making many more dresses that the hubby would love to see his wife in.
As you read this don’t forget to sign in to our newsletter and perhaps share this story and make somebody else smile today.

If you decide to order a dress today please 1) SIGN up to our news letter and 2) use discount code ERICAMJ15 TO RECEIVE OUR VDAY DISCOUNT.