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A Beautiful Custom Design Dress Begins with Trust
Coralie wanted a unique custom design dress in Haiti. We made her a dress and when she tried it on, she got a dose of fashion OMG… MeJeanne Couture style 🙂
This custom evening gown was one of my top pick for the end of the year simply because the client in Haiti trusted me 300% percent. This mutual trust resulted in a beautiful evening gown.
It’s fun to help a customer understand what she really wants. You might find that a customer wants a sexy dress but is really comfortable with a regal but conservative custom design dress and vice versa. My MeJeanne Couture have taught me to really spend time to know them and figure out what they really need versus what they think they might want. But at the end of the day… the customer is king and mostly in our cases She is Queen 🙂
From the get go, Coralie knew she wanted a gown that flattered her hours glass shape and that was unique. She stated during our initial meeting, she prefers custom design gowns, and custom size dresses. Aware of the advantage that a custom design dress gives, she understood why it is so important to find use your actual measurements not just a factory size system.
Coralie also understood how making your own dress save not only time but in terms of energy and level comfort it is the best choice. You might find a dress which seems like it is a great deal but it is so uncomfortable that you can’t even show yourself off.
So needless to say how grateful I was that she wanted to try someone new. I am ALWAYS ready for the challenge.

A month’s journey before completion: Well Worth it
It took about a month to make coralies gown, although she might have been nervous, I appreciated that she never doubted me and let me work peacefully on the gown she wanted.

Near completion of her gown I immediately noticed that the sleeve that I had incorporated on the sketch when it came to the real gown I felt it looked too matronly therefore I sent a picture to coralie and suggested to her that I remove the sleeve… She didn’t immediately agree but eventually felt it would be better to remove the sleeve as I suggested.
For a Custom Design Dress it’s All About the Look and the Feel and the Feel
When I was done with the final product I sent it to coralie her reply is all I needed to read, she was so happy that she even wanted me to suggest hairstyle and shoe she should wear with her gown.

When she received the dress she sent me several pictures to show me the fit… The look on her face said it all… Perfection in everyway.
My job was completed and my customer was satisfied